江西思多而特运输有限公司 企业认证 实名认证
特种物流公司所属城市 0-100人

思多而特集团是的散装特种液体货物,以化工品为主的一体化运输和仓储的物流供应商。集团近年来也致力于发展液化气船的全球运输和分拨业务,以及沥青船在亚太地 的运输和仓储分拨业务。思多而特集团成立于1959 年,长期专注于创新、质量、安全和服务。在全球范围内,集团现有42 家分公司、5000 多名员工。集团总部设在伦敦。集团在挪威奥斯陆证券交易所挂牌交易,代码为SNI。在中国的主营业务:• 思多而特液体化工品船队:自有并经营远洋、 域、近洋和内陆液体化工品船船队,为世界主要液体化工品和其它散装液货生产厂家提供安全、可靠、高品质的运输服务。• 思多而特仓储码头:在全球主要 场建造了最先进的液货储罐网络为客户提供高品质的仓储和配送服务。• 思多而特集装罐:提供不锈钢ISO 集装罐服务,是的门到门运输散装液体化工品和食品的集装罐物流运输服务供应商。Stolt-Nielsen Limited SNL is the world's leading provider of integratedtransportation and storage solutions for specialty and bulk liquid chemicalsand a wide range of other liquid products. SNL's aquaculture division StoltSea Farm is a leading high-tech producer of turbot and other premium fish andfish products.Founded in 1959, Stolt-Nielsen Limited's relationships with its customersreflect the Company's sustained focus on innovation, quality, safety andservice.SNL employs more than 5,000 staff in 42 offices around the world, and islisted on the Oslo Stock Exchange Oslo Børs: SNI . The main subsidiaries ofthe Company in China are:• Stolt Tankers ST operates the world's largest and most sophisticatedglobal fleet of deep-sea, regional, coastal and inland parcel tankers,providing safe, reliable, high quality transportation services to theworld's leading manufacturers of chemicals and other bulk liquids.• Stolthaven Terminals SHVN ' global network of state-of-the-artterminals provides high quality storage and distribution services tocustomers worldwide.• Stolt Tank Containers STC operates the world's largest fleet ofstainless steel ISO tank containers and is the leading global provider oflogistics and transportation services for door-to-door shipments of bulkliquidchemicals and food-grade products. 本公司主要经营 液体化工品iso,tank运输等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾!



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